It has been a while since my last post. My only excuse is that I have been busy, really I have. The idea for this post came to me Sunday while in church. I have recently began singing in the choir so now I am in the choir loft, which gives me a great view of the congregation. While noticing how beautiful our congregation is, I noticed several people who have shown me some amazing Christian love in the almost 4 years that I have been 'one of them.' My life is so blessed by having these people in my life. God really knows what people to surround us with and the EXACT time to do it. My family and I have received money when we needed it, meals when we needed them, wisdom when we needed it...just LOVE. The caption on this picture says it all, really. None of these people expected love, or anything, in return when they decided to love us. They just loved us like Jesus does. Aside from the 'things' we have gotten, there have been those who have just been there. I have made so many friends who have no requirements for our friendship. I have also learned more than I ever thought possible. I just began my 5th Bible study in four years and I am proud of myself for sticking with studying the Word. The bottom line is this: if I had never put myself out there and gotten out of my comfort zone I would have never met the people I have, learned the things I have learned, or been blessed by God the ways I have been. My very first Bible study I knew NO ONE! I was new, not only at this church, but at being a Christian. So, please, listen to what I am saying...get out there, be uncomfortable, meet new people, do new things! If you stay where you are right now you will only go where you've always been. I want more out of my walk with God and I hope you do, too. So, to those who have helped me along the way and taught me so much THANK YOU! I am sure you know who you are. Thank you for teaching me how to love others and thank you for loving me like Jesus does. I love each and every one of you. It is because of you that I have grown as I have and it is because of you that I have a passion to love people with a true Christian love. I will never stop learning from those older in the Lord than I.